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Baiting Friendship

Guy friend zones him self to get out of his current situation?

Or at least that’s the vibe I'm picking up…

Am I wrong for thinking that this guy is trying to move his way into my circle just to date me?

First it was a random follow on Instagram then it was comments and likes. Then he mentions people I have in common through dm's

One day he randomly calls me through Instagram cause I never gave him my number. I was out of town and tired of only speaking to my family so I picked up… why is it after our 2nd conversation this time over video did he mention he has a girlfriend that he's been with for about 10 years and she's 50.

I'm Sorry What!

Bruh, I never had to act okay with something, quicker than I did that day.

"Wow 10 years, that’s great!"

In my head: You keep secrets now I'm internalizing information…

He's always out in the streets.

Always on his own. No pictures of him and her. Not any I've seen.

Eventually I found out he wasn’t working.

And still hasn’t put a ring on that woman's finger…

He's dating her for real-estate…. Topic for an other day…

He's mention how she has two kids prior to being with him. Ones 19 the other 16…

In my head: They were 6 and 9 when you came into their lives.

Telling me how he has to "tell her, to tell them, to throw out the trash."

In my head: You’re a grown ass man why aren't you telling them to throw out the trash?

Everyone wants to be a man, until it's time to be a man.

"Why men great, till they have to be great" (Truth Hurts)- Lizzo

What's so hard? He's been in those young mans lives since they were children.

In my head: You still think you’re a boyfriend, when at this point your a Step-Dad.

When do men move forward from being a boyfriend to being a step dad?

(A question for an other time)

Some men will try and buy love/approval of kids just to get women. Which is sneaky.

His current GF felt "bad" and used his "vulnerability" through friendship to date him.

In my head: She was your rebound and you never moved on?

This man has invited me hang out a few times. I've suggested play pool or food.

I'm not inviting this man into my home I already set in my head he has alternative motives.

You are only welcomed in my home if you are family or we are dating. He is neither.

Always be smart and safe.

Side story- I once asked a guy to leave my apartment because I felt too drunk and wanted to be alone and fall sleep after night of drinking with the gays… His response when we walked up to the door " You know, I could just take advantage of you right now."

Man what kind of psycho shit is that to say to a girl after she asked you to leave.

Again, Always Smart and Safe! (ass)

Back to the story… When ever we hung out he felt compelled to bring up his ex and how she hurt him and that he still loved her.

In my head: Why does he want me to have pity over this?

Me out loud: it sounds like you're not over your ex… even after 10 years of being with your girl, you're still talking about her. You bring her up every time I see you.

If she still wants you be with you as you say, then be with her.

He says no because she has an STD . So I say either put on a condom or get over her.

(That’s my real friend advice.)

In my head: You have a whole girlfriend at home but you want to hanging out with me talking about your ex. (red flag)

I find it really disrespectful that he wants to hangout with me but doesn’t talk about bringing his girlfriend or mentions anything about taking her out…. Ive suggested taking her to a spa if shes tired or a trip something to liven things up if it feels a little dull. He tells me she doesn’t want to go out or money issue.

In my head: But he spend money out side to eat or drink all the time and is always trying to pay for me.

Some people might have an issue with a man having female friends. Yes insecurity will trigger you to have issues… if one actively trying to pursue the other or vice versa in the friendship. But people are allowed to have friends….

I'm innocently to build friendships but then this happens. Because I'm not trying to date him it shouldn’t be an issue with anyone….

I just don’t like the fact that the actions this man is taking is very suspicious.

Randomly sending me $10 $11 $12 through Zelle with no reason as to why he sent the money.

Then sending me a random "I love you." (I did not respond to that) so when he sent $12 dollars I questioned him about his actions. Who send people money randomly????

The last time we meet up for a beer, he mentions his ex and I say "be with her" he says no because if he wasn’t with his girl he would be romantically interested in someone else.

(hum I wonder who?)

Then brings up having to walk on egg shells when speaking to me because I questioned him about his motives.

In my head: Hell Yeah, watch your self.

But then proceeded to ask me that if he wasn’t with his girl would we be dating???

Bruh the balls on this man…. Someone come save him cause he's drowning.

My nice response: No because I didn’t like the fact you with-held the information of having a girlfriend when we first interacted.

Because at the end of the day that’s the biggest red flag of them all.

Again it was my nice response…

In my head: You're looking for your next victim. You're not a leader to your step kids. You aren't even keeping your current girl happy, so I know you wont make me happy if I were to consider. You don’t work out or eat healthy. Also you drink everyday… that’s why I really wont date you.

At the end of the day I'm taking in all the information that is given to me and making a file in my head about what person you are, your morals, goals, and form of action.

You're telling me your story I'm just putting the pieces together.

Hasta La Proxima

As always drink water and Be Safe

Love Rosie La Mardina…

P.S. Watch out for the guys pretending to be your friend…

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