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D0wn for the Cause Up for the Chaos.

As much as I would love to post my fear and laziness gets the best of me.

Fear of being my "Authentic Self" and not being appreciated for my true nature. those who really know me love me. In my best (when I am positive and full of life.) I'm that fun person to be around. Down for the cause and up for the CHAOS.

Over the last few years I've taken a deep look into who I really am. Dealing with my-self, its not fun or pretty when you come to terms with your true nature. Over coming my mental health journey with depression and all of life's obstacles.

Yes we are all dealing with life right now with the kicks and low blows this bitch has been throwing. In all honesty we're not all handling it the same. Im not trying to invalidate anyones feelings. I know for a fact that some of you would look at my issues and think its cake walk. but for me it's like climbing a mountain. Yet climbing a mountain seems much simpler to me.

I would like to thank any one who actually has taken the time to read any of my posts. I know I'm not consistent. Posting my work is the struggle. Recording my self and being comfortable enough to share is the biggest hurdle I've had to deal with. The internet has so much out there, some things shouldn't be out there. In the sense of it being a sensitive subject that should be kept private. for example a girl made a video about going to the Dominican Republic to find out if she was pregger's comes to find out she has Herpes. ( GIRL WHAT!) Why the fuck would you share that. Then again were living in a time where people have no shame, my ass is over here caring too much about spelling and grammar.

To those who nit pick at everything, your kids need a bath. Go do something better.

Everyone I love you. Bare with me as I take this journey, sharing my life.

My next post will be about my trip to meet my siblings in the Dominican Republic.

Like always DRINK WATER and be positive. Hasta La Proxima. Rosie La Madrina...

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