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Hija De Tu Madre...

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

Hi I'm Rosier and I am a Boaster… (this is where you say Hi)

To start off I didn’t know I was a boaster until coming across some fucking YouTube video about why people don’t respect you… which led to a train of thoughts. Trying to avoid an obsessive over-thinkers worm-hole I let it go. Periodically the question kept popping into my head…

Do others respect me and if they don't why?

Jokingly I responded to my self with: "Por que tu eres una Habladora".

To most Hispanic's it means a liar, shit talker, a bragger, or a person who talks too much.

When it came across my mind, I was thinking about how my mom talks too much and since

" Yo Soy Hija De Mi Madre "

" I'm My Mother's Daughter "

I as well, talk too much. "We learn all our habits from our parents folks pay attention."

That had me thinking about the actual definition of the word compare to the slag term used by Hispanics.

The correct translation to the word Hablador translates to talkative…

Which is precisely my thought. A person who talks a lot… or brags.

Yes, maybe I did brag about my self and the things I've done in my life.

(Baby Narcissist over here, I'll admit it)

Questioning my self next with:

"If I was all talk and no action?"

Nah, that's not me; I'm about actions. A bragger maybe but not a liar. Most of the things I spoke about doing I've done, even if it didn't workout as intended. Might of even changed my mind, but I'm not one to talk with no action. I use to say that "My life was a joke and I was the punchline" because something would happen to change my plans. Mentioning everything I've done would be me doing Habladora things (bragging), I'm trying to steer clear on talking too much.

This year I am implementing talking less, there's not much to say also most of the time people don’t care anyways. Everyone is too caught up with their own lives. It's cool, worry about your own shit and get it done. The few times I've mentioned something deep people would start talking about them selves with no concern about what I just said, which I took no offense to. Being guilty of it in the past myself. Not listening to what others were saying while busy thinking about myself and what was going on with me, you know Narcissistic thoughts.

In the past speaking about my plans without actually planning, winging it was my forte.

When shit hits the fan, It's fight or flight. What side are you on?

My whole life has been me being spontaneous and dealing with shit when it came up. Eventually I figured out it was the caused of my anxiety. I'm happy to say I plan things now and don't have any anxiety.

I've said too much already…

Our lives are important to us, so yes some of us will boast about ourselves a bit.

Don't be ashamed to be proud of yourself, even the fucked up shit you did that had a karmic effect on you, that helped you realize that maybe you should change your ways, cause you don’t really have anything to show for it except a few Louis Vuitton bags that someone else paid for…

is that really something to be proud of? Not the Gold Digging part but Fuck yes!

That karmic awakening helped me change.

(Boast- to speak with excessive pride or vanity)

IT'S ALL WE HAVE… the reasons I've shared my stories with others was so they'll learn from my mistakes or my accomplishments. That’s what talking is, sharing stories with one another. Sharing experiences of the lessons we learn in life, that’s all.

But what do I know, Don’t listen to me, live your life, be happy, and drink water…

Hasta La Proxima... Rosie LaMadrina...

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