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Definition of Micro-aggression -a subtle but offensive comment or action directed at a member of a marginalized group, especially a racial minority, that is often unintentionally offensive or unconsciously reinforces a stereotype.

-the act of discriminating against a marginalized group by means of such comments or actions.

I’m over it. I'm over the micro aggression from entitled people who think they know more because of the useless degree they have and the television shows they watch.

You took one look at me and assumed you knew me and my story. I’ll tell you I this much I bet if we had an assumption contest I’d get a few right. My story is skin deep, the scars are what you see not my wounds. I display them like metals of honor, because hiding them would be hiding my power.

Not letting this off my chest would be a disservice to my self other people of color.

I’ve seen your story in person and on tv you haven’t seen my story, because if it doesn’t involve drugs, sex or drama it doesn't interest you. My earlier years had enough to last me this lifetime where at the age of 36 I am glad I don’t miss it.

Her words “There’s this product I love, I’m sure you don’t know it. It’s called Monat”

This woman knows nothing about me not even my name. She made some assumption in her head about me and my knowledge on hair products, it's ridiculous because I'm a hair dresser.

Little does this woman know I actually have a friend in Illinois that is a sales representative for Monat, who has share a lot of information on the products, also I’ve done my own research my self. (Bitch! Yes, I know about Monat.)

It’s the small subtle comments that I catch but don’t respond to that I’ll sometimes replay in my head. Did this bitch try to play me or am I bugging? To be honest the lion inside me would shred this bitch apart but because I like my freedom and I have bills to pay I’ll let her unhappy entitled ass live. This woman felt the need to mention that she had a law degree in Forensic science but doesn't work and just watches A LOT of tv especially shows on dark crime dramas. I don't know why she felt the need to mention it, that law degree isn't helping her on common knowledge of hair care and this is why you're paying me to do it.

I realize the good/god in me doesn’t look for the pain others try to inflict on me, that’s why I look past it at first. There's no point in being hostile. I know god is good because I’ve acted on good and have risen above and chose to not engage in the BULLSHIT!

Remember folks we have a choice to either engage in their nonsense and get triggered or ignore them and see them for who they really are 45 minutes of ignorance for $80. I pick when to leave my comments with them and when to hold them back. I've seen how they play the game and wont allow them to play me.

Be Good Drink Water Choose your Battles and Stay Blessed.

Peace, Love and Shoulder Shrugs... R0$ie

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