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Nodes of destiny...

It is Thursday February 10th 2022

The Hood Witch said to light a candle meditate for a while and do a three card tarot spread and journal about your reading... I decided to blog about it...

(Check out her website every wednesday for your weekly horoscopes)

(Also i've linked the meanings of each card to

Dear Journal...

It says that I might be managing my money poorly. Making it easily and spending it faster then I make it.

Or I could be putting money above all not caring about my health or my relationships with others, selling my soul to make a buck.

The second part hits hard for me. Pre pandemic I was making a lot of money but for what? All I was doing was spending it for instant gratification and burning myself out in the process. I loved my clients and making them happy but I wasn’t happy. Working crazy hours barely having time for myself or my dog The Late Great Graffitti. I wasn’t grounded, the best thing that came from how hard I worked was that I made a conscious effort to stay out of debt and fix my credit. While spoiling myself with everything I needed to upgrade myself into the next level. Becoming over materialistic but having no joy come from it.

The card to give clarity on my past. The ace of swords reversed.

The Ace of Swords is the G.O.A.T. in clarifying the past for me. So when the pandemic hit I took some time to work on my self. Remember I was burning out and needed a break I had plans and goals but didn’t know how I was going to reach them. Also, I now had to rethink the plans for my future and what I wanted to do. Everyone else was starting businesses and becoming their own bosses why couldn’t I?

My fear of getting started was holding me back from starting my blog.

My fear of expressing myself was holding me back.

My fear of others judging me was holding me back.

But not anymore! I took it upon myself to buy a domain and start my blog. Shit has been tough!

The ace of swords indicates that a new idea or breakthrough is emerging from within. The blog. But it also says "Sometimes the reversed ace of swords can be a signal that you have an idea that’s not coming into fruition in the way that you had hoped, and it's time to go back to the drawing board.

Folks can I tell you that my ass also decided to move to Florida thinking I was all high and mighty with my new York Hustle. I really thought I was going to be taking over Florida. BRUH, I was wrong! Shit the amount of setbacks I have dealt with on my first week here could of sent me running for the hills.

  1. Leased a brand new 2021 Subaru Crosstrek sport. In white. (despite my tarot lady telling me over 15 years ago I was going to get into a car accident in a white car.) BRUH not even 24 hours and the car was in an accident. (I was hit in a no fault state)

  2. It ended up being considered a total loss. ( yes I had gap insurance)

  3. Had to rent a car and drive from Miami (where the accident happened) all the way to my sisters house 2 1/2 hours away. Costing me like $600 for a week.

  4. Because I now didn’t have a car I was let go by an employer that I didn't even get to start working for.

  5. Started going to physical therapy for neck and back injuries due to the accident.

  6. Couldn’t work out.

  7. Couldn’t get around with no car so my mom drove me everywhere. ( I felt like a kid)

  8. The job I lost would of paid me about half of what I was making in NEW YORK before tips. I was really counting on that job.

  9. After moving into my sisters house. My sister decides to share with me that I never really discussed moving with her I just planned it and did it on my own. (What alternate reality did I jump into) shit I thought of someone says "When you come down, you can stay here" meant I can live with you. So that caused a lot of issues. (we just got over all of that)

  10. Dated a guy who was now starting to get his life together after a troubled past. He breaks up with me because he thought he had it together then realized after starting a relationship that he was not ready to date his "Dream Girl" ( A big booty latina). He really thought he had it figured out. ( I kept telling him he wasn’t a grown man, he just thought it was an insult. No honey it was the truth.) He was sweet and I didn’t want to let go.

  11. The job I did have was great in the beginning despite getting use to the lack of effort from co workers on cleaning the shop up.

  12. Finding out I might lose my apartment in New York … so now I have to go back.

In other words going back to the drawing board. Florida is better for vacations anyways.

So now I see this as a mini vacation from New York.

The next card is the present. The five of cups reversed. (pay attention )

The Five of Cups shows a man in a long black cloak looking down on three cups that have been knocked over – symbolic of his disappointments and failures. Behind him stand two cups representing new opportunities and potential, but because he is so fixed on his losses (the over-turned cups), he misses the opportunities available to him.

In the background, a bridge crosses a large, flowing river and leads to the security of the castle or home on the opposite side of the riverbank – if only he can move on from the over-turned cups. The bridge is a message to 'build a bridge and get over it!

(that’s the actual description of the 5 of cups) it says get over it. The universe sent me on this journey to florida because I thought this is what I wanted to the point of forcing myself into someone else's home. ( according to my sister)

When you force it, it will not go your way NO MATTER HOW WELL YOU PLANNED!

The clarity card for the present is The Star.

As The Star follows the Tower card in the Tarot, it comes as a welcome reprieve after a period of destruction and turmoil. You have endured many challenges and stripped yourself bare of any limiting beliefs that have previously held you back. You are realizing your core essence, who you are beneath all the layers. No matter what life throws your way, you know that you are always connected to the Divine and pure loving energy. You hold a new sense of self, a new appreciation for the core of your Being.

The Star brings renewed hope and faith, and a sense that you are truly blessed by the Universe. You are entering a peaceful, loving phase in your life, filled with calm energy, mental stability and more in-depth understanding of both yourself and others around you. This is a time of significant personal growth and development as you are now ready to receive the many blessings of the Universe.

I don’t know about you but this Definitely comes through as confirmation that I had to endure the challenges to be the beautiful star after.

At the beginning of the pandemic I was getting over a breakup I was angry, burnt out, tired of people and I wanted to strip off anything that made me beautiful. I cut off all my hair didn’t wear make up and started this healing journey to find my self and my true inner beauty. Not too many are willing to make them-selves look ugly to see if anyone finds them to be beautiful. That was my mission. I wanted to see my true beauty for my self. I learned I love to read and write. I worked on my strength. Spent time with my self to gain inner peace and clarity on who "I" was am and wanted to be. Got rid of the distractions cut off people that I thought were my friends and kept to my self. Man did I cry. You hear people in the spiritual community talking about healing generational curses/ traumas, this was my way of doing that.

If my hair is not long, I'm not beautiful?

Because I cry I'm not strong?

If I am alone it means I'm lonely?

I've been in a room full of people and felt more alone then when I'm by myself. Some of the loneliest people keep people around to fill a void, when they really should be looking within for that feeling of love and wholeness.

I give thanks to the divine for this journey I am on. The good the bad and the spiritual parts that put me on this path of self discovery. Shit 10 years ago I was a gold digging chubby party girl from Washington heights look at me now I'm a yogi living in the lower east side. Who knows where I'll be in the next 10 years??? All I know is that I will be healed and helping others heal them-selves.

Love always your virtual spiritual godmother who's figuring it out just like you…

Hasta la proxima…Rosie La Madrina

P.S. I'm not going to reveal the future cards…

Some things are meant to be a mystery…

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