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Obstacle- a thing that blocks one's way or prevents or hinders progress.

I finally have some idea of what I want to do for the rest of my life, here's a hint folks it involves living.

I want to live my best life, that is my goal.

We would all like to live our best lives, that’s why it is imperative to change the prospective as we observe our conditions.

We don’t need to struggle, yet we have been conditioned to view life as a struggle, when it's really a dream.

When we change our mindset we change our lives…

Again when we change our mindset we change our lives…

Keep in mind everything seems hard or difficult at first but after continual practice it becomes easier.

Getting over a breakup, losing weight and exercising, even changing eating habits and etc…

Once you pick up momentum your going with the flow, as if your mind and body figured out auto-pilot. Be wary of cruise control its great at first but once complacency hits, getting unstuck becomes the obstacle.

"Life's challenges are not suppose to paralyze you; they are suppose to help you discover who you are"

There is no path without any obstacles. We feel discouraged due to obstacles in our way, but truth is if we find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead us anywhere. One famous old Zen saying is "The obstacle is the path." Means the obstacle isn't something in your way; It's the way its self.

We know the eight Limbs of Yoga, but rarely discuss the nine obstacles in the path of Ashtanga Yoga which is mentioned by Sage Patanjali in his yoga sutras.

The 9 Obstacles are:

  1. Vyadhi- Physical illness

  2. Styana- Lack of interest or enthusiasm

  3. Samshaya- Doubt or indecision

  4. Pramada- Carelessness or negligence

  5. Alasya- Physical laziness

  6. Avirati- Desire for sense objects

  7. Bhrantidarshana- Living under illusion or wrong understanding

  8. Alabdhabhumikatva- Missing the point or inability to hold on to what is achieved

  9. Anavasthitatva- Inability to maintain the achieved progress

Principle becomes clear- Obstacles are not optional. It will be there, but don’t run from it. Accept it. Go into it. Work with it. Once you explore it you will go beyond it. - Namaste

Life will always have obstacles big or small. How one chooses to act or react to those obstacles are a challenge in its self. Do you respond with conflict and drama or with love and understanding?

When we change our prospective and see challenges and obstacles as lessons we can use the lessons to help guide us towards better choices. How you perceive or encounter them will determine your outcome. You can either get mad or become better, your choice. Taking the lemons out of life to make some fucking awesome lemonade is what I'm about. Some of my friends have brought to my attention that I always try to see the positive, I appreciate them for the reminder. If you only focus on the shitty parts of life you will only see shit, when there are flowers all around.

It's make it or break it time. Would you rather be stuck or give it your best and keep trying until you make it?

Everyone's level of success is different. To some a house and children is success, others will see success as living life to its full potential experiencing the challenges and making it through.

Surviving is what my people have been doing for hundreds of years, I choose to Live and enjoy the fruits life has to give. I live for them, I live for me, I live for the divine. My ancestors would be so proud of the choices I've made and the struggles I've overcome to be able to be here today alive and well.

Like Nina Simone said "Sleep peaceful when the day is done -You know how I feel."

Hasta la proxima folks, remember be good drink water and live happy...

Rosie La Madrina

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