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Who Raised You?

Updated: Mar 4, 2021

Here’s the story, titled “Whose Job Is It, Anyway?”

This is a story about four people named Everybody, Somebody, Anybody and Nobody. There was an important job to be done and Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that, because it was Everybody’s job. Everybody thought Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn’t do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have.

Schools give education on the basics; you know math and reading, then you learned right from wrong from your parents. Abuela, Grandpa or Bubbie whatever you call "The Elders" usually showed you manners, moral ethics, and how to take care of a home.

Who the fuck raised you? Is the question I wonder when you lack a few things...

To name a few: common sense, patience, human decency, compassion, love and self care.

For some other folks how to cook, clean, or to pick up after your self and care...

You know actually giving a fuck!

This might just be me ranting but there are times where I want to leave this planet.

We all lack a few things at times but it's also up to us to fill the void in those parts.

When looking for a job you need a resume and some knowledge of the job you intend to apply for. You cannot expect an employer to hand you a job for a position you are not qualified for...

For the Men: Same goes for men that expect a woman that cooks and clean yet have no common knowledge of how to handle any domestic duties ... It's 50/50 love, you have to know how to do some of the house hold chores as well... Just because you pay some bills doesn't mean you can't pick up a mop or broom stick.

The women in your family must of done all the work in the house, and instead of helping them out you took it upon your self to assume "that's women's work."

Ummm but what if you live at home alone Mr Man.. who's job is it then? Please don't tell me it's your mothers... Just because she did it when you lived in her home does not mean she should continue to do it when you move out... You can't expect to get the title "Man of the house" if you choose to sleep, eat, and shit without helping out. Take charge and handle the responsibilities of the house.

Some mothers enable the kids their whole life. This is why they might not be where they want to be. Not allowing them to learn how a home is kept. Making efforts to do the laundry, fold the clothes, clean the fridge is helpful and attractive, some women get turned on seeing a man clean "I know I think it's sexy." Next time you see your mother ask her if she needs help? You're an adult she might need some help too.

Ladies your turn...

Just because you cook and clean does not mean you have to lose yourself for the sake of your family, learn to set boundaries teach your children from a young age that cleaning and helping out around the house is a shared effort. Everyone who lives in the home, puts in the work to keep the home afloat. One hand washes the other...

If you do all the work, all the time with no help because you think "I am a strong woman, I got this" ok sis you got it but... you might burn out one day. Burning out can lean to not caring for your self and maybe others.

Lets put it into perspective (trigger alert)

When a woman meets a man and is too involved with him she starts to slowly lose her self. Keep your own hobbies and interests. Let's say they move in together, get married or have a baby. She's now taking care of her self, her home, her man, and her baby...

With some time she is going to neglect one of those things...Sometimes it's herself.

She will take care of her baby because she wants to be a good mother.

She will try to take care of her man because she wants to keep her partner happy.

She will try to take care of the home when she has time.

To be honest she usually has no time to take care of herself...

Sometimes that's why men leave, they don't take on more responsibility, or they feel neglected, or even blame the woman for letting her self go but misunderstanding the situation completely, that she needs more help.

"They say it takes a village to raise a child"

No fucking shit! Who has time to do everything on their own?

They're right, one woman can not do it alone.

Normalize helping each other around the house.

Normalize not setting gender roles.

Normalize responsibilities and consequences.

Normalize compassion, patience, and boundaries.

Excuse the rant, I see so many women doing so much and I wanted to say something about it.

Share your thoughts...

please be safe, do good things, and live happy...

This is Rosie La Madrina and welcome to my Ted Talk...

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